151 to 160 of 179
  • by Carole Kanchier - July 7, 2015
    Surveys suggest most who won lotteries would continue to work. Would you? Do you live to work or work to live? Or, do you have challenges separating the two? If you work for a paycheck, you probably work to live. If you're engrossed in enjoyable activities, you might live to work. Separating work and non-work activities suggests you may strive for balance.Many, who have made contributions to humankind, have been absorbed i...
  • by Carole Kanchier - June 30, 2015
    Have you ever lied at work? Do you tell half-truths to get the sale or job? Would you lie to a demanding boss to protect family time? Check your Lie Quotient Answer “yes” or “no:” 1. I’ve lied on my resume or fudged reports.2. I'll fib to avoid arguments.3. I fail to disclose pertinent information 4. I’ve cheated on school or employment tests.5. I’d tell a face-saving lie to protect my career. 6. I exaggerate the truth or...
  • by Carole Kanchier - June 23, 2015
    Vincent would like to establish his own business, but he’s afraid he won’t succeed. Marion would like to return to school, but she fears she may fail.Abraham Lincoln failed in business, and was defeated in races for Congress, the Senate and Vice President. Thomas Edison had 10,000 trials before inventing the light bulb. Did you learn to walk or ride a bike without falling?What’s your attitude toward setbacks? Do you persist...
  • by Carole Kanchier - June 16, 2015
    Are you always jamming your schedule? Do you allow the clock to manage you? Or, do you trust your intuition to guide your time? Most of us think of time in the linear way that has dominated Western thought since Isaac Newton imagined time to be a forward movement of orderly, unchanging hours, months and years. We manage time by inserting appropriate tasks into the right slots.Another way of viewing time is to perceive it in...
  • by Carole Kanchier - May 26, 2015
    Are you where you want to be professionally? Have you reached a fork in the road and can't make a career decision? Do you have a career path?What is a career path?A career path can take many forms, and much depends on where you are in your professional life. Are you a new grad just starting out or a seasoned pro looking to re-ignite a passion? Are you hoping to climb the ladder in your current organization or longing to exp...
  • by Carole Kanchier - April 29, 2015
    When I was a beginning high school counselor a student (Dorothy), who had discipline issues with several teachers, asked me if I would lend her $10.00 to buy her mother a birthday present. "What to do?"What does trust mean to you? The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines trust as "believing in the honesty and reliability of others;" and "having confidence or faith in..." The Dictionary defines mistrust as the "lack of trust o...
  • by Carole Kanchier - April 21, 2015
    Do you identify closely with your job? Are your moods and feelings affected by your work? Are you involved in your job? Job involvement refers to the psychological and emotional extent to which people participate in their work, profession and company. Top performers who are engaged in their work generally have high levels of job involvement. Studies show high job involvement contributes to high job satisfaction, employee mo...
  • by Carole Kanchier - April 8, 2015
    Spring is a time for renewal and rebirth. The signs of spring are everywhere. Flowers and tree are blooming and the days are longer, brighter and warmer. Our emotions are lifted by the extra light and warmth. We become open to change. Spring festivals across the globe, celebrate spring or the rise of the vernal equinox, March 21, as a time of new beginnings. These celebrations are calls to positive acting and thinking. Posi...
  • by Carole Kanchier - March 26, 2015
    What's a secret to success? Mindfulness.Mind has unlimited potential, but it must be trained. Research, from varied disciplines including neuroscience and psychology, demonstrate that when the body is in peak condition and the trained mind is focused, an individual can achieve the extraordinary.Mind power can help you attain desired professional goals. Quester Barbara, a former technical writer, imagined herself tending her...
  • by Carole Kanchier - March 19, 2015
    Prince Harry, His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales, announced recently he will leave the British army after serving for 10 years, a period that included being on the front line in Afghanistan.The 30-year-old said that it had been a "really tough decision" to end his military service in June, but added that he was looking forward to the next chapter in his life, the AFP reported.Prince Harry may be experiencing the Age-3...